Our Leadership Team
Jobs for Alabama’s Graduates (JAG) is a school-to-career program for at-risk high school youth, using a national model called Jobs for America’s Graduates. JAG’s mission is to keep young people in school and provide work-based learning experiences that will lead to career advancement opportunities or to enrollment in a post-secondary institution that leads them to a rewarding career.
We are working each day to help every Alabama student graduate with opportunity. Since our founding in 1996, JAG has served more than 11,000 Alabama students. Through a combination of public and private partners, JAG is able to expand our proven program and mission services each year.
Job’s for Alabama’s Graduates is administered and led by the Alabama State Department of Education, Career Technical Education/Workforce Development Division with the support of the Alabama Legislature and Governor’s Office along with local school districts, Career Tech Centers, and community and industry partners.