Do You Have Students that Face these Barriers?
Serve the Students Often Overlooked
There are thousands of Alabama students who face stifling challenges on a daily basis. Homelessness, basic reading deficiency and incarcerated parents are just a few of the 33 barriers that JAG-eligible students battle that are restricting them from earning a high school degree and pursuing their career and educational goals.
As a JAG Specialist, you have the opportunity to make an impact on these students’ lives and help them graduate.

JAG has made me a better person and a better leader. Being involved has helped me determine which areas I need to improve in order to reach my goals. Working together with my JAG Education Specialist, I’ve been able to reach closer to these goals.
What’s My Investment?
How much are high school dropouts costing you? Are your graduation rates declining? How many students do you see “slip through the cracks” because they don’t have personalized and intentional instruction? A lack of structured support is already costing you a great deal–$957 billion per year, in fact.
The approximate cost to provide a healthy and vibrant JAG program is $75,000 per year and can serve up to 35-45 of our most overlooked and vulnerable high school students.
Jobs for Alabama Graduates Program